Slave Set Fashion Female Dark Souls 3

Icon DaSII Menu Head Armor.png

For other uses, see Medium Armor Sets.
Chief article: Armor (Dark Souls Three)

Armor is a blazon of equipment in Nighttime Souls III.

For categorization purposes on this wiki, Medium Armor Sets are armor sets in Dark Souls III that have a total weight between eighteen and 28.9.


  • 1 Characteristics
  • 2 Medium Armor Sets
    • 2.ane Alva Prepare
    • 2.2 Black Ready
    • 2.3 Brass Set
    • 2.4 Chain Gear up
    • 2.five Night Set
    • 2.6 Dragonscale Set
    • 2.7 Eastern Set
    • 2.viii Aristocracy Knight Set
    • 2.9 Evangelist Set
    • ii.10 Fallen Knight Set
    • two.eleven Fire Witch Set up
    • 2.12 Firelink Fix
    • 2.13 Hard Leather Set
    • 2.14 Herald Set
    • 2.15 Iron Prepare
    • ii.sixteen Knight Set
    • 2.17 Mirrah Concatenation Set
    • 2.18 Nameless Knight Gear up
    • 2.19 Northern Set
    • ii.20 Outrider Knight Fix
    • 2.21 Ringed Knight Set
    • 2.22 Sellsword Set
    • 2.23 Set of Thorns
    • two.24 Slave Knight Set
    • 2.25 Sunless Set
    • 2.26 Undead Legion Set
    • 2.27 Vilhelm's Set
    • 2.28 Wolf Knight Set

Characteristics [ ]

Medium armor sets provide strong concrete protection, sometimes at the price of elemental protection. Because most of them are made upwards of plate armor, they are not only heavier but besides generally provide enough Poise to effectively wield weapons of the greatsword grade. Their plate armor nature will too more often than not make them quite resistant to Bleed build-up.

Yet, medium armor sets are non without their drawbacks. Because of their higher weight, at to the lowest degree some investment in Vitality is required in order to habiliment these armor sets and as well wield similarly-sized weapons at the same fourth dimension. As well, considering of their metallic nature, many medium armor sets have a weakness to Strike attacks and Lightning damage.

Medium Armor Sets [ ]

Alva Gear up [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Alva Helm (DSIII).png
Alva Helm
iv.four 3.half-dozen iv.four 4.0 3.four 4.0 3.4 3.8 28 18 nineteen 12 4.2 3.7
Alva Armor (DSIII).png
Alva Armor
12.4 10.ii 12.iv 11.4 9.5 11.4 nine.v 10.nine 59 35 37 21 ix.0 11.0
Alva Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Alva Gauntlets
iii.1 ii.five 3.1 2.eight two.iii 2.8 two.3 2.7 22 14 15 10 three.3 2.5
Alva Leggings (DSIII).png
Alva Leggings
seven.ane five.viii 6.v five.4 half dozen.5 5.iv six.ii 36 21 22 12 5.5 6.7
24.612 20.492 24.612 22.699 19.200 22.699 19.200 21.771 145 88 93 55 22.0 22.03

Black Fix [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Billed Mask.png
Billed Mask
4.0 2.viii iii.6 2.6 4.1 2.0 3.7 24 16 14 18 3.7 ii.ii
Black Dress.png
Black Apparel seven.7 10.0 6.eight 9.vii 12.5 10.9 12.1 40 sixty 47 71 half-dozen.5 2.2
Black Gauntlets.png
Black Gauntlets
3.2 2.4 2.9 2.1 three.2 ii.2 3.4 xix xiii eleven fifteen 3.5 2.3
Black Leggings.png
Blackness Leggings
5.2 5.2 6.4 4.7 half dozen.vii viii.1 7.3 7.viii 26 38 32 46 4.five 2.8
xviii.688 sixteen.991 22.528 16.861 19.664 25.352 twenty.837 24.608 109 127 104 150 eighteen.2 9.17

Brass Set up [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Brass Helm (DSIII).png
Brass Helm
4.vii 3.7 4.7 4.1 four.7 three.iv 2.3 3.4 27 15 17 13 4.7 3.1
Brass Armor (DSIII).png
Brass Armor
13.3 10.7 xiii.iii 11.8 13.half-dozen 10.0 6.ix 10.0 threescore 33 36 27 10.5 nine.ix
Brass Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Brass Gauntlets
iii.five 2.8 3.5 3.1 three.half dozen 2.vii 1.nine 2.7 nineteen x eleven 8 3.4 ii.4
Brass Leggings (DSIII).png
Contumely Leggings
7.eight six.3 vii.viii vi.9 6.0 4.2 6.0 39 22 24 18 6.7 half dozen.iii
26.486 21.678 26.486 23.694 27.054 20.483 14.517 twenty.483 145 80 88 66 25.3 20.16

Concatenation Ready [ ]

Armor Slice Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Chain Helm (DSIII).png
Chain Helm
3.eight 2.2 three.4 two.6 2.0 ane.1 ii.nine 28 15 15 11 3.9 1.nine
Chain Armor (DSIII).png
Chain Armor
11.1 half-dozen.8 thirteen.2 ten.0 8.3 6.six iv.2 9.0 63 33 33 22 8.8 6.8
Leather Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Leather Gauntlets
2.ii 2.0 2.ix 2.0 3.ii 2.half dozen 3.2 3.3 18 18 16 16 two.5
Chain Leggings (DSIII).png
Concatenation Leggings
half dozen.7 4.two 7.9 half dozen.0 5.5 4.v 5.9 36 17 17 10 5.1 4.ix
21.964 14.425 25.946 xix.911 xviii.297 14.860 11.129 19.596 145 83 81 59 20.iii xiv.01

Dark Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Dark Mask (DSIII).png
Dark Mask
4.iii 3.ane iii.ix 3.1 2.five 1.iii iii.1 18 14 15 seven 4.0 2.vii
Dark Armor (DSIII).png
Dark Armor
12.six 9.two eleven.6 11.1 9.2 4.iv 9.2 38 30 33 14 nine.1 8.viii
Dark Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Dark Gauntlets
3.v 2.6 3.two three.i 2.half-dozen 2.2 1.4 2.6 12 9 10 4 3.ii two.iii
Dark Leggings (DSIII).png
Dark Leggings
8.0 vi.1 7.ane 6.viii six.v 5.3 two.9 6.1 26 20 23 ten 6.1 half dozen.four
25.743 19.530 23.605 22.684 19.873 xvi.652 9.662 19.530 94 73 81 35 22.4 eighteen.85

Dragonscale Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Golden Crown.png
Golden Crown
3.6 3.0 iii.0 2.2 4.ii iv.viii 3.8 iv.2 21 29 28 27 3.5 2.2
Dragonscale Armor.png
Dragonscale Armor
fourteen.9 12.vii fourteen.3 12.2 10.half-dozen 13.7 7.5 62 43 46 28 12.4 16.6
Golden Bracelets.png
Aureate Bracelets ane.9 1.5 0.9 2.iii ane.7 1.7 x xviii 16 13 1.5 0.ii
Dragonscale Waistcloth.png
Dragonscale Waistcloth
vii.1 v.9 6.eight 5.9 4.1 6.eight 1.8 4.ane 31 21 22 x vi.3 seven.6
25.084 21.829 23.686 19.925 nineteen.263 25.190 14.102 19.263 124 111 112 78 23.7 24.78

Eastern Set [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Absorption Elemental Assimilation Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Eastern Helm (DSIII).png
Eastern Helm 2.5 5.six iii.vii 1.half-dozen 3.4 1.2 ane.6 32 12 15 ix 3.9 3.3
Eastern Armor (DSIII).png
Eastern Armor
12.6 9.3 16.ix eleven.5 11.5 v.three half-dozen.7 87 37 43 25 ten.viii 12.six
Eastern Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Eastern Gauntlets
two.8 two.2 3.8 two.5 one.8 3.1 1.5 1.eight 25 nine 11 seven ii.9 two.6
Eastern Leggings (DSIII).png
Eastern Leggings
5.1 4.7 seven.5 4.6 5.four 7.2 6.half dozen v.iv 47 xl 41 39 5.0 4.iii
22.685 17.578 30.194 20.728 15.536 23.124 13.922 14.714 191 98 110 lxxx 22.6 21.22

Elite Knight Prepare [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Elite Knight Helm (DSIII).png
Elite Knight Helm
4.9 3.9 4.9 4.five 3.9 4.two 3.three iii.7 24 15 fifteen nine 5.2 4.7
Elite Knight Armor (DSIII).png
Elite Knight Armor
12.1 9.ii 12.1 11.1 9.2 ten.half-dozen 6.8 eight.5 46 32 33 18 8.ix 8.8
Elite Knight Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Aristocracy Knight Gauntlets
3.4 two.eight 3.v three.4 ii.half-dozen three.0 2.0 2.iv 18 thirteen 14 9 three.4 ii.3
Elite Knight Leggings (DSIII).png
Elite Knight Leggings
8.3 half dozen.8 8.iii 7.4 6.eight seven.4 v.vii 6.5 38 25 26 16 6.8 7.0
25.952 twenty.952 26.028 24.056 twenty.789 23.072 xvi.712 19.590 126 85 88 52 24.3 21.03

Evangelist Set up [ ]

Armor Piece Concrete Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Evangelist Hat.png
Evangelist Hat
3.5 4.3 3.ii ii.nine iv.i 4.six 4.6 2.9 15 27 24 25 3.5 2.1
Evangelist Robe.png
Evangelist Robe
13.7 13.1 13.two xi.6 11.1 12.5 49 42 38 35 11.nine 12.7
Evangelist Gloves.png
Evangelist Gloves
1.8 two.5 one.6 1.4 two.4 two.8 two.8 1.4 thirteen 22 xix 21 two.4 0.7
Evangelist Trousers.png
Evangelist Trousers
five.five six.9 v.1 6.6 7.3 7.3 22 39 35 37 4.6 3.6
22.717 24.511 21.539 19.259 22.283 24.785 23.152 15.696 99 130 116 118 22.4 eighteen.xix

Fallen Knight Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Fallen Knight Helm.png
Fallen Knight Captain
4.six 4.5 3.6 4.0 3.1 4.2 3.5 2.6 21 14 xix 12 4.6 3.5
Fallen Knight Armor.png
Fallen Knight Armor
12.7 12.two 10.0 8.3 12.5 10.iv 9.0 43 28 39 22 9.two 8.7
Fallen Knight Gauntlets.png
Fallen Knight Gauntlets
3.iii 3.2 2.half dozen 2.nine ii.4 three.vii 3.0 two.ii 11 five 10 4 3.1 2.1
Fallen Knight Trousers.png
Fallen Knight Trousers
vii.3 7.0 5.6 6.4 5.0 7.8 half dozen.iii v.5 22 10 20 9 v.three iv.nine
25.343 24.516 twenty.228 22.435 17.612 25.573 21.414 18.084 97 57 88 47 22.2 17.97

Fire Witch Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Fire Witch Helm.png
Burn Witch Helm
4.7 two.3 3.7 3.7 4.1 4.5 2.8 iii.9 18 13 fifteen 11 3.ix three.0
Fire Witch Armor.png
Fire Witch Armor
thirteen.2 8.5 10.six x.6 12.1 12.3 eight.v eleven.ane 47 34 36 27 ten.nine 9.8
Fire Witch Gauntlets.png
Burn down Witch Gauntlets
2.8 1.4 2.4 2.ii 2.4 two.6 1.4 2.ii 15 x 12 nine ane.5
Fire Witch Leggings.png
Fire Witch Leggings
7.4 iii.5 5.7 v.7 6.v vii.1 4.3 6.1 24 16 xx 13 5.five five.3
25.546 fourteen.941 20.763 xx.601 23.075 24.216 sixteen.078 21.543 104 73 83 threescore 22.9 18.39

Firelink Set [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Firelink Helm.png
Firelink Helm
4.8 ii.5 4.8 iv.4 ii.6 iv.4 one.eight 1.4 twenty 12 xvi 8 iv.1 four.2
Firelink Armor.png
Firelink Armor
11.nine 8.0 12.9 10.2 vi.9 10.7 5.v 5.5 47 xxx 43 19 eight.9
Firelink Gauntlets.png
Firelink Gauntlets
2.3 two.i 2.7 1.9 three.0 3.3 3.1 2.v 16 22 24 21 2.7 ane.4
Firelink Leggings.png
Firelink Leggings
5.4 5.0 vi.ii 4.5 6.0 7.three 7.0 v.half-dozen 28 40 44 37 four.viii 3.5
22.483 16.575 24.322 19.572 17.319 23.473 16.372 14.240 111 104 127 85 20.2 16.96

Hard Leather Set up [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Hard Leather Helm (DSIII).png
Standard Helm
3.7 3.7 3.7 iii.7 3.0 three.3 2.4 three.0 22 29 27 24 2.5
Hard Leather Armor (DSIII).png
Hard Leather Armor
10.3 10.8 10.3 10.3 eight.vii 9.iv 7.0 8.7 47 64 59 52 8.3 vi.viii
Hard Leather Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Hard Leather Gauntlets
2.1 ii.2 two.ane 2.ane 1.5 1.7 1.0 1.5 16 22 21 17 ii.0 0.eight
Hard Leather Boots (DSIII).png
Hard Leather Boots
5.ane v.5 five.1 five.1 4.1 2.viii iv.1 26 38 35 29 4.7 ii.nine
19.746 20.611 19.746 19.746 16.344 17.841 12.656 sixteen.344 111 153 142 122 18.7 12.47

Herald Gear up [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Herald Helm.png
Herald Helm
four.two 2.5 4.4 4.0 3.5 3.2 one.6 3.2 24 14 17 10 three.7 iii.4
Herald Armor.png
Herald Armor
12.4 eight.0 12.9 11.9 9.two 8.4 3.8 8.4 52 30 36 nineteen 8.6 9.5
Herald Gloves.png
Herald Gloves 2.1 3.1 ii.9 1.7 2.1 one.5 16 12 12 viii 2.9 i.6
Herald Leggings.png
Herald Leggings 6.5 vi.viii 6.5 four.6 i.8 4.1 26 xx 20 eleven five.3 5.1
24.454 17.892 24.800 23.215 17.830 17.186 7.694 16.242 118 76 85 48 20.5 18.36

Iron Set [ ]

Armor Slice Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Iron Helm (DSIII).png
Iron Captain
4.ix 5.5 iv.7 4.7 4.viii iv.8 4.7 4.eight 17 17 17 xv 5.8 vi.half-dozen
Armor of the Sun (DSIII).png
Armor of the Sun
11.2 8.3 11.2 11.2 10.5 x.5 9.8 10.v 34 28 31 26 viii.six xi.three
Iron Bracelets.png
Iron Bracelets
two.4 ane.6 2.four 2.4 2.2 two.2 2.0 2.2 11 ix x 9 ii.ix ii.2
Iron Leggings (DSIII).png
Fe Leggings
5.9 4.2 5.9 five.9 five.5 5.5 v.i 5.5 21 17 19 sixteen 5.0 six.4
22.441 18.311 22.278 22.278 21.254 21.254 20.055 21.254 83 71 77 66 22.3 24.16

Knight Prepare [ ]

Armor Piece Concrete Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Knight Helm (DSIII).png
Knight Helm
5.3 4.2 v.3 iv.8 3.0 iv.0 two.7 3.2 22 17 eighteen 12 5.i 4.half-dozen
Knight Armor (DSIII).png
Knight Armor
13.8 11.7 13.viii 13.2 8.4 11.0 6.7 eight.iv 45 36 38 24 10.six 12.6
Knight Gauntlets (DSIII).png
Knight Gauntlets
3.7 3.2 three.7 3.6 ii.5 two.9 2.1 two.5 14 12 11 7 three.five 2.5
Knight Leggings (DSIII).png
Knight Leggings
8.3 7.0 8.3 7.9 5.4 6.2 iv.4 v.4 26 23 22 13 half dozen.half-dozen 7.6
27.914 23.847 27.914 26.634 18.047 22.181 xv.036 18.216 107 88 89 56 25.eight 24.88

Mirrah Concatenation Set [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Creighton's Steel Mask (DSIII).png
Creighton'southward Steel Mask
4.5 3.9 6.0 4.1 iii.9 4.2 2.five 4.i 26 xix 19 12 six.6
Mirrah Chain Mail.png
Mirrah Chain Mail
12.vii 10.5 14.9 10.5 eleven.7 11.two 7.4 9.i 51 33 37 26 10.4 xi.3
Mirrah Chain Gloves.png
Mirrah Chain Gloves
three.2 2.four 3.viii 2.half dozen 2.8 ii.8 i.7 2.2 xviii 13 14 eleven iii.3 2.five
Mirrah Chain Leggings.png
Mirrah Chain Leggings
6.5 4.7 five.v 5.v 2.nine four.2 32 23 25 18 five.9 5.8
24.542 xx.000 28.971 20.665 22.056 21.859 13.824 18.325 127 88 95 67 25.3 23.91

Nameless Knight Gear up [ ]

Armor Slice Physical Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Nameless Knight Helm.png
Nameless Knight Helm
3.eight 4.2 3.half dozen 2.1 3.4 2.iv 2.ane 26 15 14 10 3.8 2.3
Nameless Knight Armor.png
Nameless Knight Armor
11.7 10.0 12.7 7.6 11.0 viii.4 7.half dozen 61 38 35 21 9.3
Nameless Knight Gauntlets.png
Nameless Knight Gauntlets
iii.0 two.6 iii.3 two.9 ii.i iii.ane ii.three 2.1 19 10 9 6 2.8 2.two
Nameless Knight Leggings.png
Nameless Knight Leggings
seven.0 six.0 7.half dozen 6.7 four.9 6.9 5.four iv.9 36 22 xx 11 5.6 five.nine
23.371 20.154 25.273 22.361 fifteen.779 22.440 17.371 xv.779 142 85 78 48 21.5 17.91

Northern Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Northern Helm.png
Northern Helm
4.8 four.7 4.half-dozen 4.four 2.9 4.2 i.8 2.6 24 15 26 10 4.8 iv.0
Northern Armor.png
Northern Armor
12.six 12.1 eleven.6 11.1 4.iv vi.8 60 38 64 27 10.6 10.7
Northern Gloves.png
Northern Gloves
2.2 two.ix 2.2 2.2 0.viii 2.five 2.0 0.viii 15 19 24 19 2.3 0.7
Northern Trousers.png
Northern Trousers
6.1 7.half dozen six.i 6.1 ii.9 6.8 5.vii 2.9 24 32 42 32 4.3 3.1
23.590 25.270 22.991 22.391 thirteen.672 22.609 13.242 12.561 123 104 156 88 22.0 17.51

Outrider Knight Set [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Assimilation Elemental Assimilation Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Outrider Knight Helm.png
Outrider Knight Helm
4.4 2.8 iv.ii four.4 2.3 3.1 two.3 1.1 17 12 32 5 3.eight 2.8
Outrider Knight Armor.png
Outrider Knight Armor
14.4 ten.6 thirteen.8 13.eight 9.vii eleven.4 9.7 7.5 50 43 91 22 12.0 12.5
Outrider Knight Gauntlets.png
Outrider Knight Gauntlets
iii.4 2.4 three.3 3.4 2.iv 3.0 2.4 ane.half-dozen 12 ten 25 iv two.9 2.7
Outrider Knight Leggings.png
Outrider Knight Leggings
seven.9 half-dozen.0 vii.6 7.ix five.9 half dozen.7 5.5 3.vii 32 24 55 xiv vi.viii 7.two
27.194 20.277 26.214 26.683 18.974 22.302 18.630 thirteen.312 111 89 203 45 25.5 23.twenty

Ringed Knight Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Ringed Knight Hood.png
Ringed Knight Hood 0.8 1.7 0.9 iv.2 4.4 four.5 4.0 12 eighteen 14 33 1.4 0.2
Ringed Knight Armor.png
Ringed Knight Armor
14.ix 11.six sixteen.3 14.three 13.two 12.2 9.viii lx 36 twoscore 34 12.6 fourteen.9
Ringed Knight Gauntlets.png
Ringed Knight Gauntlets
3.9 3.0 iv.2 3.7 ii.nine iii.5 iii.2 21 thirteen 15 13 four.4 three.ii
Ringed Knight Leggings.png
Ringed Knight Leggings
eight.ane 6.2 8.9 7.8 v.nine 7.ii 6.5 5.1 37 22 24 21 8.1 9.2
25.670 20.212 28.194 24.593 22.183 25.689 24.110 19.961 130 89 93 101 26.five 25.35

Sellsword Set [ ]

Armor Slice Concrete Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Sellsword Helm.png
Sellsword Captain
3.ane 3.3 3.6 iii.9 2.7 2.vii 2.7 2.7 27 17 16 12 three.1 iii.5
Sellsword Armor.png
Sellsword Armor
12.2 12.7 12.ii 12.2 11.i 9.i 7.3 10.5 59 39 35 26 x.6 11.five
Sellsword Gauntlets.png
Sellsword Gauntlets
1.4 1.4 0.8 ane.6 0.six 0.8 0.8 0.half-dozen 15 10 11 8 1.iv 0.3
Sellsword Trousers.png
Sellsword Trousers 4.two 4.7 2.3 3.7 ii.3 2.iii 28 17 xix 9 3.half-dozen 3.4
twenty.056 21.008 19.564 20.876 15.997 xv.508 12.582 15.430 129 83 81 55 18.7 17.75

Set of Thorns [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Helm of Thorns (DSIII).png
Helm of Thorns
3.7 ii.6 4.9 3.9 2.3 2.3 two.3 1.8 30 thirteen 15 11 3.8 2.2
Armor of Thorns (DSIII).png
Armor of Thorns
11.0 8.1 14.ii 11.5 7.3 7.three 7.3 5.9 66 27 33 22 viii.5 7.5
Gauntlets of Thorns (DSIII).png
Gauntlets of Thorns
2.8 2.1 3.6 two.9 1.9 1.9 i.ix 1.6 21 8 10 7 2.8 1.eight
Leggings of Thorns (DSIII).png
Leggings of Thorns
vi.0 4.three 7.9 half dozen.three 3.viii 3.8 3.8 iii.0 42 18 22 15 5.4 four.2
21.691 16.137 27.556 22.621 14.529 xiv.529 xiv.529 11.800 159 66 80 55 20.5 14.89

Slave Knight Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Assimilation Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Slave Knight Hood.png
Slave Knight Hood
4.eight 3.8 4.8 3.half-dozen two.0 2.8 2.0 2.5 26 14 xv ix 3.8 3.0
Slave Knight Armor.png
Slave Knight Armor
xiii.v 10.nine xiii.v 10.2 8.0 v.7 vii.i 61 34 35 twenty 9.1
Slave Knight Gauntlets.png
Slave Knight Gauntlets
iii.iii 2.7 3.3 2.v i.iv 1.9 1.4 twenty eleven 12 7 3.0 2.0
Slave Knight Leggings.png
Slave Knight Leggings
7.7 six.2 vii.vii v.8 3.2 4.five 3.ii 4.0 38 21 22 12 v.4 5.5
26.501 21.771 26.501 20.492 eleven.796 16.223 11.796 xiv.524 145 lxxx 84 48 20.9 18.34

Sunless Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Sunless Veil.png
Sunless Veil
ane.7 1.2 1.two 1.iii 5.two 4.7 4.viii 5.3 seven 14 10 xxx 1.8 0.7
Sunless Armor.png
Sunless Armor
11.7 9.i 12.two 11.vii 11.2 ix.viii half-dozen.0 11.vii 43 25 33 37 9.two 8.5
Sunless Guantlets.png
Sunless Gauntlets
two.half dozen ii.2 2.eight 2.half dozen 2.ii 1.4 2.6 thirteen seven ix 7 3.v 1.vii
Sunless Leggings.png
Sunless Leggings
6.2 4.7 6.5 6.2 5.9 5.i two.ix 6.ii 27 18 21 18 5.7 4.7
20.699 16.295 21.163 twenty.377 22.844 20.218 14.324 23.604 90 64 73 92 20.two 14.88

Undead Legion Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Undead Legion Helm.png
Undead Legion Helm
3.viii iv.0 3.5 4.vii 4.8 4.9 4.ii 19 24 29 21 iv.0 2.3
Undead Legion Armor.png
Undead Legion Armor
ten.4 10.iv v.ix nine.0 12.6 thirteen.0 13.2 10.four 39 51 65 42 7.6 4.ix
Undead Legion Gauntlets.png
Undead Legion Gauntlet
2.3 2.iii 1.two 2.0 ii.9 3.0 3.0 2.3 sixteen xx 24 17 ii.four 0.eight
Undead Legion Leggings.png
Undead Legion Leggings
5.6 5.6 3.1 iv.8 6.9 7.1 7.2 5.half-dozen 27 35 43 29 iv.6 ii.half dozen
20.503 20.668 12.254 18.072 24.704 25.365 25.695 20.834 101 130 161 109 18.half-dozen 10.23

Vilhelm'southward Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Absorption Elemental Assimilation Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Vilhelm's Helm.png
Vilhelm's Helm
four.6 3.6 4.6 5.2 3.4 4.4 2.0 four.0 19 15 16 13 4.8 4.four
Vilhelm's Armor.png
Vilhelm's Armor
12.nine ten.2 12.9 14.half dozen ix.5 12.iv 5.vii 11.4 44 35 37 31 10.viii 13.0
Vilhelm's Gauntlets.png
Vilhelm'due south Gauntlets
3.two 2.5 3.ii 3.half-dozen ii.iii 3.1 1.4 2.viii 15 12 12 ten three.7 two.nine
Vilhelm's Leggings.png
Vilhelm's Leggings
7.4 5.8 vii.4 8.4 5.4 7.1 iii.2 half-dozen.v 27 22 23 xix 6.8 8.0
25.518 20.492 25.518 28.511 19.200 24.612 xi.796 22.699 105 84 88 73 26.ane 25.lxx

Wolf Knight Set [ ]

Armor Piece Physical Assimilation Elemental Assimilation Resistances Weight Poise
Physical Absorption Strike Absorption Slash Absorption Thrust Absorption Magic Absorption Fire Absorption Lightning Absorption Dark Absorption Poison Resist Bleed Resist Frost Resist Curse Resist Weight Poise
Wolf Knight Helm.png
Wolf Knight Helm
iv.4 iii.viii 4.4 4.4 3.0 4.2 2.2 3.8 23 16 17 17 four.2 2.9
Wolf Knight Armor.png
Wolf Knight Armor
11.8 11.8 eleven.8 7.8 11.two 5.v 10.0 46 32 33 33 9.0 8.0
Wolf Knight Gauntlets.png
Wolf Knight Gauntlets
3.2 ii.8 three.3 3.3 2.0 3.1 1.4 2.7 eighteen xiii 14 14 3.1 one.half dozen
Wolf Knight Leggings.png
Wolf Knight Leggings
6.6 v.5 6.6 4.2 6.4 2.8 five.half dozen 25 fifteen 19 nineteen 5.1 4.half dozen
23.766 20.561 23.845 23.845 sixteen.036 22.843 11.424 twenty.475 112 76 83 83 21.4 16.14

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